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Pricing for Coaching Plans

Triathlon Coaching

Gold - $300 per month

Silver - $225 per month

All plans require an annual training plan buildout fee of $150.

Contact  EFAST to get started!

Other EFAST Services

Run Form Analysis

Individual Analysis with Video Feedback - $150 per hour

Analysis with Partner and Video Feedback - $100 per athlete per hour

Group Run Form Analysis is available. Price TBD based on number of participants


If you need specific advice but aren't currently an EFAST athlete, a coach consultation may be the best option. Topics can include but are not limited to nutrition, race-day strategy, motivation, sports psychology and more.

30-minute call - $50

60-minute call - $100

Quick Comparison of Plans

*  If this the workout plan you select for Bronze

** Varies based on single sport versus triathlon

How Coaching Works?


Step 1 - Initial Consultation

Athlete will have phone meeting with an EFAST coach to discuss training history, goals, any upcoming races, and what membership would be the best option.

Step 2 - Survey

After determining membership, the athlete will fill out an extensive survey to give the EFAST coach a complete background on the athlete, so the coach can design a specific and unique training plan for the athlete.

Step 3 - Training Plan Buildout

The EFAST coach will build out a detailed training plan based on the athlete's history, goals, and training availability. 

Step 4 - Start Training!

The EFAST coach will design the athlete's training plan utilizing TrainingPeaks, an online calendar that will keep all the training in one place for the athlete and coach.

Step 5 - Monitor and Adjust

The EFAST coach will monitor the plan, communicate, and make adjustments to make sure the athlete is on track to achieve their goals. The frequency of adjustments and communication depends on plan.

Step 6 - Continue Training!

The EFAST coach will continue to input the training plan as the athlete progresses. The frequency of this depends on the membership.

All plans are custom to each athlete.


Here is an example of an EFAST athlete's plan on TrainingPeaks:

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